Sitting Down with Jennifer Adele
On April 8, 2013 | 0 Comments

What was your inspiration for your book? 

Jennifer AdeleA willow tree at the end of a cul-de-sac not too far from my home inspired this book. The tree itself is maybe about a mile or so away. I discovered it during a nature walk one day and went home to learn more about the symbolism and natural patterns of willows. One thing led to another and the story evolved from that research rather organically.

Which character is your special favorite?  Why?

I can’t really say that I have a favorite, as all characters emerged in their own special way and for very unique and purposeful reasons. I tend to believe that within all of us are countless different facets of personality that can act as individual voices. I, personally, draw from the vast expanse of facets within myself and trust that those personality facets will resonate with corresponding aspects in the reader.

How would you characterize your work – is it horror?  Suspense?  Thriller?

It is probably best to classify it as literary fiction, as it is really a cross-genre work. The story itself tends to be a heady blend of classic horror, suspense, erotica, and even Gothic romance in a more modern setting.

When does the muse visit? What is your writing routine?

The muse never takes a vacation… not even when I am on vacation. I write daily… and I mean every day. I typically write for a couple of hours in the morning after yoga, break for lunch and a midday walk, and then write again until dinner. The evenings are more my free time unless I am absolutely possessed by a story. But, I also have a part time pet sitting/dog walking gig and my volunteer work, so that keeps me from going too far down the rabbit hole now and again.

What is the message you hoped to share with The Haunting of Willow Tree Court?

The message that I hoped to bring forward is that all life is sentient and that everything isThe Haunting of Willow Tree Court connected energetically, for better or worse. In the book it is brought forth in a much more magnified and mystical manner, bringing what goes on at an ethereal and energetic level down to a physical manifestation, but even without that manifestation I hoped to convey the message that everyone is affected by their environment and all the beings in it.

What are your current/future projects?

I write for two online magazines monthly, “Mystik Way” and “The Spirit,” and I also submit regular “Writing in Nature” features for Walrus Publishing.  In addition, I have several short stories available for free on my website. And, my second novel has officially reached the halfway mark under the working title of “Spellbound.”

Can you link us up to your virtual world and also tell readers where they might be able to purchase a copy of your book?

Absolutely! My book may be purchased on and simply by searching the title.  You can also go to the Walrus bookstore.  It is available in print and as an e-book. It is also available through local shops listed on my website at My short stories are there for free reading, too, as are links to my educational, nature-based articles. I also have my social media links posted so that readers can keep up with me through Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.