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Esta es la historia de los viajes de Antonio Beltran, un trabajador agrIcola migrante de Mexico. Las descripciones de los paisajes son tan precisos como los personajes de la historia, y aquI es una oportunidad para ver lo que puede ser una faceta diferente de la inmigraciOn para algunos, ya que el autor ha conocido a muchos de los polIticos estadounidenses que son propensos a etiquetar a los “extranjeros ilegales.” La historia se vuelve contemporanea mediante la introduccion de actividades de los cArteles que el autor considera el flagelo de Mexico. TambiEn es una oportunidad para entender los sentimientos y preocupaciones de algunos de nuestros vecinos al sur de la frontera.

This is the story of the Voyages of Antonio Beltran, a migrant agricultural worker from Mexico. The descriptions of the landscapes are as accurate as the characters in the story, and here is an opportunity to see what may be a different facet of immigration for some, as the author has met many of the American politicians who are Prone to label the “illegal aliens. ” The story becomes contemporary through the introduction of activities of the posters that the author considers the scourge of Mexico. It is also an opportunity to understand the feelings and concerns of some of our neighbors south of the border.

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Dimensions 5 × 8 × 1 in


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John Duncklee

John Duncklee has been a cowboy, rancher, quarter horse breeder, university professor and award winning author of sixteen books and myriad articles, poetry and short stories. He is a Western Writers of America Spur award winner. He lives in Las Cruces, N.M. with his wife, Penny, an accomplished watercolorist.